The Schools' Portal is a secure website that is designed to provide a single point of access to information for schools.
If you would like to use the Schools' Portal to communicate with other schools, please contact Please do not email this address for advertising courses.
If you wish to advertise a course, please complete the following request form: Advertising Request Form
The Schools' Portal has a web page containing items for sale, activities and events and much more, where notices from charities and community interest companies can be published. Adverts can remain live for a maximum of 3 months. Please complete the following request form: Advertising Request Form
We also now run a classified advertising service, for external organisations, where the service or product offered is considered to be of benefit to schools and/or children. On payment of the appropriate fee an advert can be placed in the relevant section of the Schools' Portal. Discounts are available if advertising for 2 months or more. Please complete the Activities and Events Form to provide us with the details of your request. We will contact you if we require any further information or to provide you with a copy of your advertisement if it is approved and published.
All advertisements must comply with our terms and conditions.