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New Password

A new password has been sent to you by email and should arrive shortly.

You will receive an email containing a temporary password

The password is case-sensitive, type it exactly as it appears or copy and paste it from the email to the password field on the login screen. You will need to re-enter your username as well.

Once you successfully login, you will automatically be asked to change your password to something you can remember, but you cannot re-use any of your previous passwords.

Once you have changed your password you will receive a second email entitled 'Cerberus - Your recent Cerberus password change' which gives details about Cerberus, an application used by Lancashire ICT Services to manage access to the Schools' Portal and other systems you may use.

This message is to let you know that by changing the password for one Cerberus system it will also change on the other listed systems as well. Please see C for 'Cerberus' on the Schools' Portal A-Z if you would like to know more.

If you do not receive a password please contact the Schools' Portal Team:


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